Does bedtime at your house resemble herding cats?

Do you find yourself exhausted and depleted every night after spending what feels like hours (or actual hours) battling your preschooler over going to bed?

As a pediatric sleep consultant, I specialize in helping parents learn how to resolve these difficult situations.

I am going to teach you how it is 100% possible to kiss your child goodnight and see them in the morning - all while building and preserving your precious connection with your child.

In this 1-hour Zoom class, I will teach you my best strategies for helping your child happily cooperate with bedtime and end the struggle so they get the amount of sleep they need and you get your evenings to yourself again.

The Zoom presentation will be recorded for those who register but aren’t able to make it to the live class.

Friday, March 22 5:30-6:30pm. $30 per family.